Raising Awareness


Raising Awareness


Awareness, the First Line of Defence

The Coalition is a privileged partner of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (CCB) in developing the national awareness campaign. The awareness raising efforts involving the Coalition member community increase the campaign’s credibility and reach. Joint actions are being undertaken to support CCB’s Safe-on-Web brand by creating accessible online courses on cybersecurity tailored to the public "Surfing without worries").

The Coalition awareness initiatives also target SMBs through the development of a set of hands-on tools such as the Incident Management Guide, the Security Scan and Cyber Security Kit. These tools can be freely downloaded from our website. In partnership with the VRT and Betternet, the Coalition launched a Dutch and French version of the EDUbox Cybersecurity geared towards school children.

Belgium's Cyber Security Awards 

We organize once a year the Cyber Security Awards contest to give cybersecurity actors in our country the opportunity to shine in the Belgian market (and beyond). The campaign’s objective is to increase the awareness and visibility of the cyber security profession at the national level. Belgium’s Cyber Security Awards - Home 2024 Application (cybersecuritycoalition.be)

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