Digi-Flow guides industrial companies in their transformation to smart industrial environments by providing expertise in industrial automation, digitalisation, electrical installations and instrumentation, this in the form of Turn-key projects (Brownfield & Greenfield) as well as consultancy.

Digi-Flow programs and visualises production lines and industrial installations, without depending on brands and using various SCADA packages. In addition to this automation, we also offer supervisory systems that give our customers an overview of their installations. This ranges from simple historians to customised MES systems.

Industrial automation goes side by side with electrical installations. That is why Digi-Flow also provides electrical engineering, including the design and installation of electrical cabinets, cabling works and connection works for industrial systems. Moreover, we specialise in the electrical infrastructure for electric vehicle charging systems.

Thanks to automation and digitalisation, companies are reaching higher levels both technically and humanly. Companies are creating a safer working environment for their employees, making their work more focused and less repetitive, and service is also becoming more personal.

The importance of ‘next generation’ industrial automation partners will play an important role in helping customers move to the next level of production in a focused and successful way.

For this, Digi-Flow is ready with its team of professionals and specialists.

In addition, Digi-Flow tries to assist its customers in their day-to-day tasks. Through artificial intelligence, Digi-Flow helps your company handle this workflow more efficiently. This with the aim of saving both time and costs. Our offering includes AI chatbots, AI assistants and tailor-made AI software for your business.

Product group
Apps / API’s/ Dashboards to visualize and digitize efficiency, KPI’s , OEE in manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, logistics & asset management, Other Industry of Things Related Applications, solutions & Services, Soft-en hardware Industry of Things related integration providers/solutions, Software to automate, monitor and digitize industrial business processes : ERP, MES, PLM, WMS, CAD, CAM, CAE & SCM, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, AI Algorithms & Anomaly detection, Virtual Assistants & Chatbots, Industrial Network Monitoring, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Protecting Industrial Networks
Website Catalog
Product group
Apps / API’s/ Dashboards to visualize and digitize efficiency, KPI’s , OEE in manufacturing, engineering, maintenance, logistics & asset management, Other Industry of Things Related Applications, solutions & Services, Soft-en hardware Industry of Things related integration providers/solutions, Software to automate, monitor and digitize industrial business processes : ERP, MES, PLM, WMS, CAD, CAM, CAE & SCM, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, AI Algorithms & Anomaly detection, Virtual Assistants & Chatbots, Industrial Network Monitoring, Governance, Risk and Compliance, Protecting Industrial Networks
